Upcoming Professional Development: February & March

February 8, 5:30-6:15pm Eastern

Writing Critical Thinking Questions:
A Discussion of the Pacific Crest Learning Module

Facilitator: Tris Utschig
Requested by popular demand, this session is a reprisal of our session from September 14, 2022. Even prior attendees can find value in attending again with a new perspective. Writing critical thinking questions is core to supporting learning in any context, and they anchor nearly every Process Education learning activity. Skill in critical thinking is often cited as one of the most desired qualities for hiring. Going well beyond the classroom, the capability to write targeted critical thinking questions can increase the quality of learning in other contexts such as committee work, staff meetings, planning efforts, and more. Please join our discussion and bring a new perspective on where you can use this important skill.

Visit the Professional Development page for information on accessing the Learning Module (the process has changed).

March 8, 5:30-7pm Eastern

Engaging Students in Asynchronous Learning Environments:
How Process Education Can Help

Facilitators: Steve Beyerlein, David Leasure, Kathy Burke, and Ingrid Ulbrich
Come and learn more about strategies for success when facilitating an asynchronous learning environment. See which strategies, all leveraging process education principles and tools, resonate with you. Additional details will be shared in our March newsletter.


Mentoring Skills Performance Measure Development Institute
We will hold a two-day Institute to develop measures for specific mentoring skills that support self-growth. These skills are useful for accelerating growth when mentoring others as well as ourselves. Look for more details soon.

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