PE Conference Planning Team Update

We hope you are excited about the theme for this year’s gathering: “Closing the Gap”. As members of the Academy we are all dedicated to the success of our students and their continued growth and development both as students and as members of our society. Much rests on our efforts to make this happen, so plan to join us for this idea-filled event June 9th and 10th, 2023.

Register for the 2023 Academy conference as soon as you can. If you register before May 1st you qualify for the early Bird rate saving you $50!

The Call for Proposals for sessions is now open as well.  You are encouraged to share insights about how you are fostering the growth of your own students or ways your institution is doing so. You can find the Call for Proposals by selecting the link “Presenters” and  reviewing the specifications listed there and then look at the submission guidelines to help you fashion your proposal. Proposals will be evaluated in May and those chosen for presentation will be notified as soon as possible.  Be sure to check out all four categories of submissions so your proposal can be properly reviewed. Specifics about the Poster Sessions (aka: Hall of Innovation) will soon include additional information about how to package your HOI proposal. 

To see what the Conference Planning Team is working on check out the Preliminary Conference schedule posted on the website as well.  While all lot of planning is still taking place you can be sure that the planning team is hard at work building the best experience for all of us.  We hope that you will register early and actively participate in this online conference in the spirit of all that Process Education offers our institutions, faculty, and learners!

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