Upcoming Professional Development: March & Forward

March 8, 5:00-6:30pm Eastern

Engaging Students in Asynchronous Learning Environments

Facilitators: David Leasure, Grace Onodipe, and Ingrid Ulbrich

There is a gap between traditional face-to-face instruction and asynchronous online instruction that requires mindful attention to motivation, active participation, and commitment to learning ownership. Further, communication that happens implicitly in face-to-face learning must be explicitly done in asynchronous environments.

This workshop co-creates ways to apply Cuseo’s Seven Principles of Learning and Retention in an online environment. Facilitators share their online experiences with participants as they work together to generate ready-to-use approaches for asynchronous learning.


Mentoring Skills Performance Measure Development Institute

We will hold a two-day Institute to develop measures for specific mentoring skills that support self-growth. These skills are useful for accelerating growth when mentoring others as well as ourselves. Look for more details soon.

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