From the Academy President (March 2024)

The Academy’s Destination

At the recent Winter Meeting of the Academy Board members spent a significant amount of time devoted to the concept of Strategic Planning. Not surprisingly, I have found that there is a significant diversity of reactions to such efforts. This is entirely appropriate. There are of course many ways that businesses, learning institutions, and not-for-profit organizations set out to chart a course for their future. I suspect that many of our Academy colleagues have found themselves involved in such an endeavor during their careers.

The commentator and author Trevor Noah has offered a perspective from Mark Twain on travel planning. His insights might be helpful as we think about the value of strategic planning. Noah said “Traveling is the antidote to ignorance.” And he quoted Mark Twain who said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” I love traveling and I couldn’t see my life without ever traveling the world or even the United States”. As frequent travelers in our early retirement, my wife and I have adopted our travel planning process as a sort of “over-plan and then react” concept. Meaning we collaborate to be clear about our destinations, transportation, some key experiences, and lodging, but try to allow for options for specific experiences that can enrich our understanding of people and places we visit.

Strategic Planning methods can be analogous to travel in the sense that our organization is on a journey into the future. Together we are focused on Student Success and Self-Growth. Our members have researched, developed and adopted methods for educators to help students successfully chart their course into the future. I believe that the Academy needs to “walk the walk” as we plan our journey. Our current Strategic Plan (created in 2020 to last through 2025) is posted on the website and I encourage you to review it. Some of the goals set in 2020 have been accomplished. Others have been begun and some have remained untouched. Are they still relevant?

A lot has changed in our world since 2020, especially as it relates to education. To that end at the Summer Conference this June we will have an opportunity to hear from one another about what the Academy’s next 5-year goals should be. At the Winter meeting in January 2025, the Board will be working toward updating the plan. Are there new goals that should be adopted? Should we refocus as it relates to ignorance, prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, or focus on the Learning Gap resulting from the Pandemic, or emergence new technologies such as AI? Just as my wife and I attempt to do we, our members need to collaborate on charting the future for our organization.

I sincerely hope you will join in this process.

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