Incoming Presidents’ Comments

Hello, fellow Academy members. Are you still awake? By this time in the proceedings I would not be surprised that some of us need a nap. As we learn new things, consider new concepts, and meet new colleagues an event like this can deplete our energy. But it can and should also invigorate us, recharging our batteries to jump once more into the academic fray. I feel humbly obligated to thank everyone who has been involved in the Conference planning these past 4 seasons.

Developing this conference and keeping this organization functional is a weighty task that we all benefit from. The Board sets the dates, times, and locations for the summer conference and the planning team begins working in the fall and continues on a bi-weekly basic throughout the academic year. We developing the theme, structure, and content for the event. We recruiting session Proposals and invite Guest Presenters which takes a lot of time and attention.

I want to thank our team for sharing their time and expertise over several years of conference planning. I cannot thank nor praise these folks enough for what they have done. The team includes: Steve Beyerlein, George Dombi, Peter Smith, Steven Spicklemire, Colleen Taylor, Will Ofstad, Mathew Watts, Ingrid Ulbrich, Tris Utschig, and Patrick Barlow.

Special Praise must also go out to our Amazing Web Master Knut Are and Communications Director Denna Hintze. They extremely dedicated and skilled and we are all beneficiaries of their work. Our current President, Ingrid Ulbrich has set a high bar for involvement and leadership over these past two years. Ingrid, the entire Academy is indebted to the work you have done. Our Past President, Joann Horton, also deserves high praise for raising the organizations’ profile, leading the development of our strategic plan and nurturing the Academy forward.

I would also like to thank all of our presenters (Both Academy members and guests from various institutions.) And finally a shout out to our colleagues at VSU who have once again stepped up to co-sponsor this event. Please join me in a celebratory shout out to them all.

As Academy members I believe we have an obligation to the larger academy around the world and to every student that we interact with and guide. In introducing myself I want to share a bit of my commitment to the goal of student success and to you as Academy members.

I trust that we are all truly awake, and I mean this in a mostly non-political way. As educators we must be awake to the environment that surrounds the academic world. We cannot ignore the threats to knowledge and learning that have become a political target for some. There are so many ways the current anti-learning environment threatens our efforts to offer students an opportunity to live fruitful satisfying lives. From attempts to legislate control of curriculum and materials to the purging of ideas that might serve to open hearts and minds, from the obvious efforts at mind control and hatred, to an anti-education sentiment that has spread across the globe. We must remain focused on what we can control. In the Academy this focus includes sharing the behaviors, pathways, and processes that can best position students for self-growth and success. I believe that the tenets of Process Education are all focused on this singular goal.

In an effort to focus on what I can control I have always told my students that I believe in three basic values:

1. I respect you and your life plans and will support you on your learning journey.

2. I believe that all of us have an obligation to support and uphold the right of every person to chart their own destiny.

3. I believe these obligations must be constantly examined, maintained and protected. Furthermore I pledge to that I will hold myself to these same obligations.

And so, being fully awake, and on your behalf I hope to lead a committed board toward an even more engaged community, increased participation, and working to reach our own potential. I am also 100% committed to standing up for the rights of all students, faculty, learning facilitators, and institutions. I believe that as educators we also have a responsibility to support our colleagues along their pathway toward the future.

Thank you for attending our conference. I look forward to meeting each of you and seeing you at future Academy events. Stay Awake: Watch for our Monthly Newsletter for details on programs and events that are offered. Consider attending our Mid-Winter Academy meeting, get involved in our Self-Growth Community, attend professional development events, and consider sharing your talents with your colleagues. I’m certain you will find any or all of these opportunities valuable. Thank you for your time, enjoy your summer, and gear up for another exciting academic year in 2023-24.

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