JUNE 2023 Academy Business Meeting Minutes

Executive Board Members: Ingrid Ulbrich, Patrick Barlow, Matt Watts, Chaya Jain, Colleen Taylor
Members: Peter Smith, Cy Leise, David Elden Leasure, Steven Beyerlein, Tris Utschig, Paul Kaseloo, Kenneth Lewis, Leslie Whiteman, Robert White, and Kathy Burke

I. Call to Order at just after 2PM– Ingrid Ulbrich, President

  1. A quorum was established via a count of those attending by the President (Ingrid) and Academy Historian (Peter Smith): 18
  2. Ingrid Ulbrich introduced adoodle anonymous voting application which member should look for in their spam for the purpose of voting.
  3. The agenda was approved hearing no objections.

II. Introduction of the current Executive Board

  • Ingrid Ulbrich the current President introduced the current board.
  • Patrick Barlow: President Elect who will be the new President after this meeting.
  • Matt Watts: Treasurer. They are the conference technology strategist and continuing in their role as treasurer.
  • Colleen Taylor: Secretary last year, resigning after this meeting. Thanks for organizing meetings and taking and posting minutes.
  • Priscilla Burks: Finance Officer last two years, term ending at this meeting.
  • Kim Kilgore: Member-at-Large. Appreciation given to Kim Kilgore for her service. Her term is ending.
  • Steve Spicklemire: Member-at-large. Appreciation given to Steve for his service. His term is ending.
  • Chaya Jain: Member-at-large for the past year. Helped with conference support at VSU.
  • Grace Ndip: Member-at-large VSU for the past year. Expressed regrets about not being able to attend; Thanks, were given in her absence.

III. Approval of Past Business Meeting Minutes

  1. The 2021 Online Business Meeting Minutes were approved hearing no objections without modification.
  2. The 2022 Business Meeting Minutes changed the 30% to 33% then approved as amended hearing no objections.

IV. President’s Remarks

The Academy members are highly resilient based on the President’s observations of a stronger mental health after the pandemic relative to non- academy members. Tris Utschig has worked hard to lead sessions as the professional development director. Steven Beyerlein has hosted the self-growth community for the past few years introducing innovation. Ingrid is grateful for the relationships and friendships centered around conference planning which was led by Patrick Barlow as director. We are looking for new conference leadership. Thanks were given to Leslie Whiteman, Brian Sayre, Colleen Taylor and others for VSU and conference leadership.
Reflecting on the keynote from Nia Haydel, from Complete College America, the President said we have many opportunities moving forward especially with our shared values in equity and success for students. Members are encouraged to continue to participate, read the newsletter and join the community activities.

V. Presentation of Treasurer’s Reports – Matthew Watts, Treasurer

Matthew presented the Treasurer’s reports.

  1. The FY 2020-21 was not presented previously. The fiscal year Oct. 1st 2020 to Sept. 30th 2021. The starting and ending balances in Bank of America and Pay Pal were about the same given the conference was entirely online. We pay for access to the Faculty Guidebook. The winter meeting has some associated costs. There was a correction on the date as pointed out by Peter Smith.
  2. The FY 2021-22 was presented. The fiscal year Oct. 1st 2021 to Sept. 30th 2022. The in-person conference and the payment of the webmaster of $500 per month (well worth it) resulted and less money at the end of the year.
  3. The FY 2022-23 to date was presented ending in June 1st. The balance was a little ahead with conference registration and the fact that the conference was online. The new webmaster, Knut Are, now has no responsibility for IJPE and is paid $400 per month. Denna continues her work with IJPE and is paid per issue. Registration helped immensely and helps with putting on events and keeping the website going. The quarterly reports are on the members site.

At the last board meeting we mentioned we would not mail physical copies of the IJPE. However, Ingrid Ulbrich asks for any requests for paper copies and she would see what she could do. It may be possible for those wanting physical copies to use a local print shop and pay for the printed copy. Copies may be brought to the next IJPE meeting. Ingrid explained IJPE access noting six articles this year and Patrick Barlow held up a copy. Kathy Burke called for editorial board members of IJPE. David Leasure is research director for support and mentoring.

VI. Ingrid Ulbrich held the Election of New Board Members (Role Descriptions and Candidate Bios)

The process was explained. The nominations committee was led by Patrick Barlow. Nominations are taken from the floor for members who are present only. Email from adoodle are sent for each member and then closed. Every member is able to vote. No additional candidates were nominated and the slate of candidates was approved by unanimous consent. The candidates listed below were all approved by acclamation.

  • President Elect: Chaya Jain.
  • Secretary (1 year term): Steve Spicklemire
  • Finance Officer: Peter Smith
  • Members at Large: (2 year terms) Will Ofstad, Christopher Sweeney
  • Members at Large: (1 year term due to vacancy) Colleen Taylor

Ingrid Ulbrich provided comments of welcome and willingness to collaborate with the board members. Patrick shared that Mickey won over Minnie Mouse by two votes in our test of adoodle, making the effort of using the platform well worth it.

VII. Announcements

Patrick Barlow previewed the conference day 2 session. He highlighted the panel, team time and the individual breakout sessions. He shared his relationships and admiration of the panel members. Steven Beyerlein mentioned the Hall of Innovation. George Dombi shared that there were 10 presentations. Members were encouraged to watch the HOI recordings. Colleen Taylor requested that the PowerPoints of the presentations be posted as files in addition to the Panopto rendition. Tris Utschig invited members to contribute to professional development series. This summer there will be activities for the mentoring skills book so be on the lookout for that.

VIII. Adjournment

Respectfully Submitted, Colleen Taylor, Academy Secretary (ending today).

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