Teaching Learning to Learn

A pre-conference institute
June 19 - 21, 2017

When we believe in learners, they begin to believe in themselves! The challenge is demonstrating our belief...

This 3-day institute will help participants discover ways to turn their courses into growth environments where students are willing to get outside their comfort zones, take risks, and appreciate that failure can be a productive step on the road to success. Participants will learn that having high expectations communicates belief in the potential of students to grow and succeed and that a classroom culture of assessment (including reflective practices and self-assessment) is the key to improvement. Participants will increase their ability to mentor and assess student learning skills (and learning processes!) to improve student performance in reading, learning, problem solving, and writing. As part of the learning-to-learn curriculum, participants will learn to create and use facilitation plans and learn how to get students to come to class not only prepared, but ready to actively learn and collaborate with other students. Participants will also learn how to shift ownership of learning to the students, allowing them to take responsibility for their own learning and growth...becoming self-growers.

Register for this institute when you register for the conference. Attend both and save!